Friday, September 28, 2007

My backwards plan

Brooklyn Preparatory High School
Shane Mclean

Project Idea: A video documentary on the school system from Kindergarten –Post School
1. Jot down some plans for Who I’m going to interview as well as when and where.
2. Get reacquainted with Windows Movie Maker or another movie editing program so that I can easily edit the videos.
3. Get conformation from principal within school to go through classes to get people views on school.
4. Try and set-up a time for me to interview students.
5. Try and interview people in their careers in order to get a post school perspective.
6. Set-up appointments with persons out of school in their careers.
7. Interview children with the consent of the parents.
8. Make appropriate edit to movies.
9. Make a first draft movie.
10. Finally, make a finished piece and present.

1 comment:

Mr. Powhida said...


You need to get started on steps 1 - 3. You need a plan to present to the Principal about who you are going to be interviewing during class and get permission to leave the building or invite people to the building for the interviews. Once you have that you can get going on writing out the questions you want to ask them and video taping the interviews. You should also research 'how to conduct an interview' on the web.